With your library card, you have access to downloadable and/or streaming e-books, audiobooks, music, videos, comic books, and magazines through the following services. Use them on your phone, tablet, computer, or e-reader!
Looking for something to read? Check out our Reading Suggestions form.
Freegal (Billerica Residents Only)
Stream and download music from here.
Kindle E-Reader (All MVLC Patrons)
Kindle e-readers come pre-loaded with a curated selection of adult and young adult e-books.
OverDrive (All MVLC Patrons)
Download e-books, audiobooks, comic books, videos, and magazines from here.
Hoopla (Billerica Residents Only)
Download e-books, comic books, movies, audiobooks, music, and more from here.
Kanopy (Billerica Residents Only)
Stream movies from here.
Creativebug (Billerica Residents Only)
View thousands of award-winning art and craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists.
Get access to even MORE titles with a Boston Public Library Card.
The Boston Public Library offers access to their digital collections of e-books, audiobooks, movies, music, and magazines to all Massachusetts residents and employees.
Patrons must first obtain a free Boston Public Library E-Card, which you can learn more about here.
Other E-Book Sources
Internet Archive

The Internet Archive Text Archive contains a wide range of fiction, popular books, children’s books, historical texts and academic books.
Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg offers thousands of epub and Kindle books to download or read online.
Open Library

Open Library includes over 1 million modern and older books that are ADA-compliant for the print disabled.
Many Books

Many Books offers thousands of free e-books, pre-formatted for reading on your computer, smartphone, iPod, or e-reader.Many Books offers thousands of free e-books, pre-formatted for reading on your computer, smartphone, iPod, or e-reader.