The Billerica Public Library Foundation is a 501(C) 3 non-profit organization whose mission is to encourage community investment through individual and corporate giving for special Library programs and services. All contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Gifts of any size are appreciated and welcomed. Donations may be made by mail or online clicking the button below. Donations to the Billerica Public Library Foundation are tax deductible. All personal and financial information is kept confidential.
Board of Directors: The Board is comprised of community leaders with a variety of backgrounds, including banking, investments, accounting, social services, corporate real estate, small business, education, and law. Directors are elected annually during the Board’s annual meeting.
Investments: The Foundation Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the preservation and allocation of all funds received. The Board is advised on investments by the Foundation’s financial advisor, Salvatore Mansueto of Enterprise Bank, with whom they meet regularly to review the investment portfolio.
Questions: You can reach the Foundation Board via email at foundation@billericalibrary.org.