The South Burying Ground was given to the Town of Billerica in April 1663 by Ralph Hill, Sr.; the half-acre lot was the first established cemetery in town. Ralph Hill Sr. died just a few days after this donation and it is assumed he was the first to be buried here although there is no marker standing to confirm this. Many of Billerica’s most prominent first settlers are buried here. The South Burying Ground is located at the junction of Concord Road and French Street.
The following catalog index has been created by Eagle Scout Joshua P. Baustert, Troop 651, Billerica, MA. For his Eagle Project, Joshua took on the daunting task of cataloging, photographing and mapping all of the monuments in the South Burying Ground. Great care was taken for detail and accuracy.
The full catalog, including epitaphs and photographs, are available at the Billerica Public Library or specific inquiries may be made via email to Kathy Meagher. We wish to express our deep appreciation to Joshua for all his time and effort.
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