The town of Billerica has seven cemeteries, the South, the Old Corner, the Rogers, the Smallpox, the North, the Job Hill, and the Fox Hill. The Billerica Public Library is very pleased to announce that we have digital catalogs and photographs for all of these cemeteries except Fox Hill. Indexes and catalogs are available through the links below. Information regarding the Fox Hill Cemetery is available through the Cemetery Commission at 978-671-0946.
The full catalogs, including epitaphs and photographs, are available at the Billerica Public Library or specific inquiries may be made via email to Kathy Meagher. For a map of Billerica click here:
- South Burying Ground: The South Cemetery was given to the Town of Billerica in April 1663 by Ralph Hill, Sr.; the half-acre lot was the first established cemetery in town. Ralph Hill Sr. died just a few days after this donation and it is assumed he was the first to be buried here although there is no marker standing to confirm this. Many of Billerica’s most prominent first settlers are buried here. The South Burying Ground is located at the junction of Concord Road and French Street.
- Old Corner Burying Ground: Accord to Hazen’s History of Billerica, the Old Corner Burying Ground, located on Pollard Street, just north of the intersection of Boston Road, Floyd Street and Pollard Street, was “set aside from common land” in 1707.
- Rogers: The Rogers Family Plot is located on High Street at the Billerica/Tewksbury town line. It was established in 1803. There are no longer any grave markers in this cemetery, but there is a tombstone that was erected by Josiah Rogers for his family on October 22, 1803.
- Small Pox: The Smallpox Cemetery is one of Billerica’s hidden historical wonders. There aren’t any individual headstones, just a lovely marker hidden and forgotten in the trees along the railroad tracks. This marker was erected in memory of and to designate the place where six individuals were buried who died of the smallpox in August of 1811. The marker is south of the High Street Bridge on the south side of the tracks at the bend. Please stay off of the tracks and do not trespass on private property.
- North: The North Cemetery was established in 1816, although, like many of the other cemeteries in town, there were burials earlier than the established date. The cemetery is on Salem Road just east of Pollard Street and adjacent to the railroad track. There are some very beautiful and interesting stones located here including some from the Revolutionary War.
- Job Hill: The Hill Cemetery (more commonly known as the Job Hill Cemetery) at the corner of Nashua Road (Rte 4) and Dudley Road was established in 1828. This is the burial site of Job Hill, many of his family members, and some of the workers and neighbors of the Hill Machine Shop, which was established by Jonathan Hill, Esq., (son of Job). The Hill machine shop manufactured a leather splitting machine that had been invented by another Billerica citizen, Samuel Parker.
- Fox Hill: The Fox Hill Cemetery on Andover Road was established in 1856 and is our most current and most widely used cemetery today. Information regarding the Fox Hill Cemetery is available through the Cemetery Commission at 978-671-0946.