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Library of Things Policy


Items in the Library of Things collection are purchased and maintained in accordance with the library’s Material Selection Policy. Loan periods for items in this collection will be set by the Library Director. Use of Library of Things items are subject to the Library of Things Borrowing Policy as well as the Telescope Borrowing Policy and specific borrowing agreements for the telescope and assistive devices.

Patrons seeking to borrow Library of Things collection items will be given a copy of the Library of Things Borrowing Policy the first time they borrow a Library of Things item. Accepting a copy of the Library of Things Borrowing Policy indicates the patron’s agreement with the policy for all current and future borrowing and receipt of the policy will be noted on the patron’s account.

Additionally, patrons borrowing the telescope and/or assistive devices will be asked to complete a specific borrowing agreement each time they borrow one of these items.

Library of Things Borrowing Policy

  1. Prior to borrowing Library of Things items all patrons must (a) have a permanent library card (cannot be temporary card) in good standing and (b) sign an agreement form (if applicable).
  2. Patrons must be 18 years or older to borrow Library of Things items, with the exception of Kindles (must be in Grade 5 or above if under 18), board games, bike locks, and the graphing calculator.
  3. While staff can provide a basic overview of items in the collection, by taking possession of any item, the patron is certifying that he or she is capable of using the item in a safe and appropriate manner.
  4. Only the borrower who has checked the item out is authorized to use it. The borrower shall not permit the use of items checked out to him or her by any other person. If the borrower allows others to use the items, the borrower assumes all liability for such use.
  5. Library of Things borrowing periods vary based on individual items. Please see the loan period table for specific information:
  6. All Library of Things items borrowed must be returned during the library’s open hours to the circulation desk.
  7. Patrons may have up to 3 Library of Things items checked out at a time.
  8. The library is not responsible for any manufacturing defects in quality of workmanship or materials inherent in any borrowed Library of Things items.
  9. If any borrowed Library of Things item becomes unsafe or in a state of disrepair, the patron must immediately discontinue use of the item and notify the library of the issue on return.
  10. All Library of Things are to be returned in the same condition as they were issued, barring normal wear and tear. The patron agrees to pay for the loss of or damage to any item.
  11. All Library of Things items must be returned clean.
  12. The library reserves the right to refuse the loan of any item at its discretion.

*Parts of this policy were adapted from a similar policy at Shrewsbury Public Library (MA).

Telescope Borrowing Policy

Guidelines for Borrowing and Use:    

  1. The Orion Starblast 4.5” Telescope may be checked out by MVLC library cardholders as well as library cardholders linked to the MVLC network. Library cards must be in good standing and borrowers must be 18 years old or older. Borrowers must not have lost items on their cards at the time of checkout.
  2. At the time of checkout patrons must present a valid library card and accept and sign the Telescope Borrowing Agreement.
  3. The telescope may be borrowed for one week and may be renewed if there are no other holds.
  4. The telescope must be returned in person to a staff member at the Circulation Desk.
  5. The Borrower is not permitted to lend the telescope to anyone while the telescope is in his/her possession.


  1. Children under 18 must be supervised at all times when handling or using the telescope.
  2. Permanent eye damage can result from looking directly at the sun through the telescope or its finder scope. Even pointing the telescope at the sun could result in the melting of telescope parts.


  1. The Borrower who checked out the telescope and signed the Telescope Borrowing Agreement is responsible for all costs associated with damage, loss or theft of the telescope and any of its peripheral parts. Peripheral items include: an instruction manual; pocket sky guide; a red head lamp, star guide, carrying case, 2 packing pillows and the organizational pouch itself. The replacement cost for the Orion Starblast 4.5” Telescope is $375.00.
  2. The Billerica Public Library will not be held liable for any injuries incurred as a result of telescope use or handling.

Proper Care and Use:        

  1. The borrower is responsible for reading the instruction manual for proper care and use. The telescope must be kept in a clean, dry, dust-free environment, safe from rapid temperature changes and humidity. Do not store the telescope or its peripherals outdoors. Keep the dust caps on the front of the telescope and on the focuser when not in use. Make sure to turn off the range finder when not in use.

Telescope Borrowing Agreement

I, ______________________________ [Print Name]  understand and agree to abide by the terms of the Billerica Public Library’s Telescope Lending Policy. Further, I understand that I am responsible for the full replacement costs of the Library Orion Starblast Telescope and any of its peripherals (listed in the Policy) should any become stolen, lost, damaged or not returned while they are checked out under my name. Further, I will not hold the Billerica Public Library liable for any injuries sustained while handling or using the Orion Telescope.

I have read the Billerica Public Library’s Telescope Lending Policy and understand that I am to return the Telescope to the Billerica Public Library. At the time of return, I am to bring the telescope to the main circulation desk where a staff member can check it in.

Patron Signature______________________________________

Checkout Date _______________

Due Date ____________________

Library Card Number ____________________________

___________ (Staff Initials)


Check in Date___________________

All parts accounted for:

Orion Telescope           YES  NO

Pocket Sky Guide        YES  NO

Instruction Manual     YES  NO

Head Lamp                  YES  NO

Carrying Case              YES  NO

2 Packing Pillows         YES  NO

Cardboard Disc            YES  NO

Guide to the Stars       YES  NO

_________ Staff Initials

Staff Comments:

Guidelines for Borrowing Assistive Devices


  1. All borrowers must sign this agreement form prior to borrowing a device.
  2. Borrowers must be MVLC library cardholders or library cardholders linked to the MVLC network with a library account in good standing.
  3. The borrower assumes all responsibility and liability for using this device. If the device becomes unsafe or in a state of disrepair, the borrower must immediately discontinue use of the device and notify the library of the issue on return.
  4. The Billerica Public Library shall have no responsibility or liability as to the use or misuse of this device.
  5. Users who borrow and use assistive devices do so at their own risk.
  6. Borrowers who need the device longer than the initial loan period must contact the library to renew the device.


I have read, understood, and accepted the guidelines for borrowing assistive devices from the Billerica Public Library and acknowledge that I am using the device at my own risk. Further, I acknowledge that the Billerica Public Library shall have no responsibility or liability for use or misuse of the device.

DATE: ________________________

NAME (PLEASE PRINT): __________________________________

SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________



Staff Initials: _________

Item Barcode: _______________________

Item Due Date: ______________________

Adopted by a vote of the Board of Library Trustees on September 12, 2022

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