The Study Rooms are available to small groups for non-profit, educational, civic and cultural purposes. The rooms are not available for business operations, selling merchandise or services, soliciting for later sales, or for social events. The Library reserves the right to allocate a Study Room for a Library-sponsored program or meeting.
For-profit use is permitted under limited circumstances consistent with the Library’s objective of providing a suitable learning environment for research, study and reading. One example of an approved for-profit use is a paid tutor.
Although individuals may use the Study Rooms when available, the rooms are intended for group work or study rather than individual office space. The rooms are not sound-proof and reasonable noise may be heard between rooms. No noticeable noise should be heard outside  the rooms while in use.
The Library offers a number of quiet and secluded study carrels throughout the second floor for individuals to use.
All Study Rooms are monitored by electronic surveillance equipment. Staff will ask individuals to leave if they disturb others or engage in destructive behavior.
Same Day Bookings
- All three study rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis, ensuring a fair and equitable system for all patrons. Advance reservations are not allowed for the Lions or Rotary rooms; patrons can book any available room the same day for a maximum of four hours per day. Booking one room, even for a short time, counts towards the four-hour limit for all three study rooms.
- After using a room for four hours, patrons may continue for an additional hour if no one else is waiting to use it. However, the total combined usage of the study rooms (or any other reserved room) cannot exceed five hours per day for any individual or group.
- Any reservation for a group limits all participants to the same daily limits; chain reservations by multiple people to secure consecutive reservations are not allowed. Violating this rule may result in permanent suspension of booking privileges by all group members.
- All reservations end 15 minutes before closing, and rooms must be vacated at that time.
- Study groups of four or more are permitted to use the Meeting Rooms upon availability, but may not make advanced reservations. Prior to using a Meeting Room, a study group must agree to follow all rules and regulations of the Meeting Room and Conference Room Policy, with the exception of those rooms being open to the public. Schools, however, may not use the Meeting Rooms for instructional purposes as an ordinary part of their curriculum.
Advance Bookings (for the Walgreens Room)
- The Walgreens Study Room may be booked up to one week in advance for two hours.
- Patrons may only book this room once per week in advance.
- Reservations of the Walgreens Room will be held for 15 minutes.
- After 15 minutes, the reservation will be removed, and the room will be available for other patrons. Time lost to a late arrival will not be added to the end of the reservation period.
- After the two-hour window, if no one is waiting for the room, a person or group may continue for an additional hour.
Registration for All Rooms
- The person responsible for the room’s condition must register and give their name and phone number to the staff person at the Reference Desk.
- The person responsible will receive a card upon registration for a Study Room. At the end of the registered time, this card must be returned to the person at the Reference Desk.
- When more than one person will be using a Study Room, one person from the group will receive the card and will be responsible for the Study Room’s condition during use.
- When booking, patrons may request whiteboard markers, a fan, or a space heater, subject to availability. By requesting any of these items, the requestor assumes responsibility for ensuring they are returned at the end of the reservation in the same condition they were provided.
- The limit is four (4) people per study room.
- The Reference staff person will unlock the Study Room.The key will be kept at the Reference Desk.
- Rooms shall remain unlocked during use.
Use Guidelines
- The person who registers for the room will be held financially responsible for any damage, whether reported or not, done to the room and its furnishings by anyone during the registration period.
- The Study Rooms are not storage areas. Once a group or individual signs up for the room, it may remain unoccupied for no more than 20 minutes. The Library reserves the right to remove items left unattended in the rooms for 20 minutes or more.
- The Library is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen property.
- Users may not move tables or chairs into or remove them from Study Rooms without permission.
- The rooms must be left clean.
- No alcoholic beverages, tobacco products or food may be used in the Study Rooms. Only covered drinks are allowed.
- Windows may not be opened in any Study Room.
- If whiteboard markers, a fan, or a space heater are borrowed, they must be returned at the end of the reservation.
- All Library policies apply to persons using the Study Rooms including but not limited to the Library Code of Conduct and the Internet Acceptable Use Policy.
- Failure to abide by any of the rules pertaining to the use of the Study Rooms will result in the suspension of further Study Room privileges.
- In the event of an unplanned library closing, all scheduled reservations will be cancelled and the library will notify the individual who initiated the booking for the Study Room.
Any individual subject to disciplinary action by the Library Director, including but not limited to the rejection of a reservation, the revocation or suspension of Study Room use, or the revocation or suspension of library privileges, may appeal the decision of the Director to the Library Trustees within 30 days of such decision. The Library Trustees require that all appeals be in writing. The Trustees may hold a public hearing on the decision, and shall issue a decision, in writing, either affirming or reversing the Library Director’s decision, within 60 days of receiving the written notice of appeal.
Revised and adopted by a vote of the Board of Library Trustees in November 2009, as amended on November 25, 2013, April 4, 2016, September 12, 2022, and October 7, 2024